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Nicholas Galitzine Reveals What It Was Like Working With Uma Thurman in 'Chambers'

Nicholas Galitzine Reveals What It Was Like Working With Uma Thurman in 'Chambers'

Nicholas Galitzine looks so handsome in a photo from his shoot with The Face, online now.

Here’s what the 24-year-old Chambers actor had to share with the mag:

On getting into the mind of an addict for the Netflix show: “I don’t know if I’ll ever truly be able to understand what it’s like to be in the mind of an addict because I think there’s a certain darkness that comes with being in that place. So I definitely did some research into [heroin] on the effects: what that would do to you physically.”

On working with Uma Thurman: “I have a one-on-one scene with her in the car and I’m like, ‘Nick, you’re sitting in a car with Uma Thurman.’ How did I get to this point? I feel like I almost had, maybe not my sexual awakening, but she was one of my crushes when I was younger. Which is so hilariously Oedipal as well because you’re [thinking] like, she’s playing your mom.”

On his good looks: “I’ve decided to divorce myself from my own ego in terms of my aesthetics and just live for the character. Looks are such a subjective thing. I was a very insecure kid growing up, really bad self-esteem and I always thought I looked quite funny. I have a couple of moles on my face. I remember saying I wanted to laser them off. My nose is a little broken from playing rugby and I wanted to change that…But I think I learned to feel more comfortable in my skin doing this. I feel happier with myself now than ever before.”

Nicholas was interviewed Trey Taylor by with styling by Paul Bui and grooming by Kumi Craig.

For more from Nicholas, visit




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