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Robert Pattinson Reveals Where He Stands with His Famous Exes

Robert Pattinson Reveals Where He Stands with His Famous Exes

Robert Pattinson is opening up about his past relationships with Kristen Stewart and FKA twigs.

The 32-year-old actor dated Kristen for many years during their Twilight days. He started dating FKA twigs in 2014 and they were engaged, though they split in 2017.

Rob told the Sunday Times’ Style magazine that he is on “good terms” with both of his exes.

“They were pretty long relationships, not like three months,” he said.

Rob was also asked about his current relationship with girlfriend Suki Waterhouse. While he didn’t want to talk much about his love life, he did reveal some insight.

“If you let people in, it devalues what love is,” he said. “If a stranger on the street asked you about your relationship, you’d think it extremely rude. If you put up a wall it ends up better. I can’t understand how someone can walk down the street holding hands, and it’s the same as when I do it and a hundred people are taking your photo. The line between when you’re performing and when you’re not will eventually get washed away and you’ll go completely mad.”




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